More about Rotary ...
Rotary is a large and multi-faceted organization. Here are some ways to learn more about Rotary International.
Visit the Rotary E-Learning Center, where you’ll find several learning modules designed specifically for new members.
• Visit other parts of the RI Web site to get the latest news and information.
• Read every issue of your Rotary magazine (comes with membership & is at the local library) and your club and district newsletters.
• Visit your district Web site and learn more about activities throughout the district.
Rotary is a large and multi-faceted organization. Here are some ways to learn more about Rotary International.
Visit the Rotary E-Learning Center, where you’ll find several learning modules designed specifically for new members.
• Visit other parts of the RI Web site to get the latest news and information.
• Read every issue of your Rotary magazine (comes with membership & is at the local library) and your club and district newsletters.
• Visit your district Web site and learn more about activities throughout the district.
• Order the following materials from the RI print or online catalog:
- Rotary Basics (595-EN)*
- The ABCs of Rotary (363-EN)
- The Rotary Foundation Quick Reference Guide (219-EN)*
- Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605A-EN)*
- RVM: The Rotarian Video Magazine (510-DVD)
- Rotary International Annual Report (187A-EN)*
- The Rotary Foundation Annual Report (187B-EN)*
*Also available for download.
In addition to reporting the latest, Rotary news provides district Web site links and information about RI and Rotary Foundation programs. You can also use the site to conduct much Rotary business online, including registering for the annual convention and making contributions to the Foundation.
RI offers a wide range of resources for Rotarians, including publications covering all aspects of Rotary and its Foundation. View the online catalog of these materials. Every club also receives a print version of the catalog with order forms; our club secretary should have our club’s copy.
Questions to ask our club
These questions can help you get started on becoming more active in your club and better informed about Rotary:
- Rotary Basics (595-EN)*
- The ABCs of Rotary (363-EN)
- The Rotary Foundation Quick Reference Guide (219-EN)*
- Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects (605A-EN)*
- RVM: The Rotarian Video Magazine (510-DVD)
- Rotary International Annual Report (187A-EN)*
- The Rotary Foundation Annual Report (187B-EN)*
*Also available for download.
In addition to reporting the latest, Rotary news provides district Web site links and information about RI and Rotary Foundation programs. You can also use the site to conduct much Rotary business online, including registering for the annual convention and making contributions to the Foundation.
RI offers a wide range of resources for Rotarians, including publications covering all aspects of Rotary and its Foundation. View the online catalog of these materials. Every club also receives a print version of the catalog with order forms; our club secretary should have our club’s copy.
Questions to ask our club
These questions can help you get started on becoming more active in your club and better informed about Rotary:
- What club committee could use my skills?
- What community service projects is my club sponsoring?
- Does my club participate in any programs, such as World Community Service, Youth Exchange, Rotaract, or Rotary Youth Leadership Awards?
- How can I assist my club officers?
- Who in my club can serve as my mentor?
- What opportunities are there for getting involved in international service?
- Can I serve as a greeter at club meetings?
- How do I find out where to make up missed meetings?
- When is the district conference?
Members are welcome to attend meetings at any Rotary club -- a practice that guarantees Rotarians a warm welcome in
communities around the world. You can even meet online through a Rotary e-club. Find meeting places and times through
the online Club Locator tool or the free mobile Rotary Club Locator app.
RI Download library
communities around the world. You can even meet online through a Rotary e-club. Find meeting places and times through
the online Club Locator tool or the free mobile Rotary Club Locator app.
RI Download library
Source: Rotary International